About us | Fundacja Ośrodek Badań i Analiz Społecznych

About us

The Foundation Center for Social Research and Analysis originated as a response to an urgent need for a third-sector organization that would realize a wide array of social research and analysis. Our actions are oriented around four main problem areas. These include:

  • Local Communities
  • Science & Education
  • Preventing Social Exclusion
  • Developing Enterpreneurship

Within each field, the focus is on realizing the statutory aims, among which are the issues of social and professional integration and reintegration, the equalizing laws of groups with different levels of civilization and economical status, the enhancement of professional development as well as the areas of education, parenting, culture and art.

The actions the Foundation undertakes – mainly the research and analytical ones- serve an increase in the awareness of existing social problems, the diagnosis of positive and negative development tendencies and the possibility to take countermeasures by institutions realizing tasks for the community.